Meditative Dialogue: Effective Meditation Coaching with Real-Time Feedback

Meditation coaching with real-time feedback to accelerate your progress and deepen your practice.

Over the last year or two I’ve been trying out a different meditation coaching method, and have been quite delighted with the results.

Meditative dialogue is meditation coaching in real-time. I think this can be a radically faster and more effective method of meditation teaching than traditional models.… Read the rest “Meditative Dialogue: Effective Meditation Coaching with Real-Time Feedback”

Make a Meditation/Daily Mindfulness Habit That Sticks – A Guided Tool

A simple tool for making a meditation or daily mindfulness practice that sticks, using the Tiny Habits methodology by BJ Fogg.

It can be hard to make meditation and mindfulness practice habits. This isn’t a personal failing, it’s just that none of us are taught how to design habits!

This short tool will guide you through the process of setting up a meditation practice or short daily mindfulness habit using the methods from the book Tiny Habits, by B.J.… Read the rest “Make a Meditation/Daily Mindfulness Habit That Sticks – A Guided Tool”

Guided Awareness Practices

The clear distinction between attention and awareness is one of the things that makes The Mind Illuminated such an effective approach to meditation.

Most people know what attention feels like, but don’t have a clear sense of what awareness feels like, even if they understand the concept.… Read the rest “Guided Awareness Practices”

Guided Mindful Review practice

This interactive tool will guide you through a daily mindful review practice, based on Appendix E from the book The Mind Illuminated.

This tool was created using Guided Track. Here is a link to the code used to create this tool if you would like to adapt or modify it.

If you have any suggestions to improve this tool, they’ll be gratefully received: please leave them in the comments.